Horses are our business... Our only business!     (631) 979-2965  


HELP! My ad looks different or is missing!

It is possible your ad changed slightly while we made the new site. If it looks really horrible, we are very sorry and we will fire the guy responsible and make sure he never works in this town again!

Other than that, please contact us and tell us what to do to fix it.

What happened to all the seperate ads and classified sections

On the old site, the links on the bottom got very crowded and confusing. One of the things we did was group the classifieds and ads into one button. From there you can view all of the sub-categories.

So why did you guys change the site?

Well, there are a few reasons we thought an update was in order. We would never do anything if we didn't feel it was really benefitting you the customer.

One of the things we did was to make the site "database-driven". That means more automatic. This will allow you to keep track of your ads and classifieds, and empower you to update them whenever you want without having to call us. (Not that we don't want to hear from you, as a matter of fact, call whenever you want or email us!)

But let's say you want to lower the price on a horse, you can log in and change it right away. Or let's say you find a better picture for your business ad. You can upload it whenever you feel like it.

We also tried giving the site a cleaner, crisper feel to it. Overall, there may be a few small changes, but we're confident you will be happy with them.

How do I advertise on LI Equine?

SIMPLE! Look on the absolute bottom of any page (like this one) and click the link that says "advertise with us"


On the old site, the links on the bottom got very crowded and confusing. One of the things we did was group the different message boards into one button.

Click on it and you can then view all of the sub-categories.

I want to change the way my ad looks.

Well, the first thing you need to do is log in. Look on the bottom of the page where your ad is located and click "modify my ad". Follow the directions from there.

Can I add an Event?

Yes, but it won't appear right away. When you submit an ad (look on the right side on the bottom of the list), it is submitted to a site administrator. He or she must approve it in order for it to appear on the right side bar.

If you submitted an event and don't want it to appear anymore, simply contact us and we'll take it down.

We will not approve any events that do not have valid contact information.

My page takes a REAL long time to load, then an ad pops up

Actually, that is not really an ad... We use a new program called "macromedia flash." If you have a newer system, you will not notice this. However, some people with older computers will see a grey pop-up screen with the word "Macromedia" on it.

This is normal, it is just trying to update your Internet Browser (it is not an ad). This will only pop up once and dissappear forever after you click "yes"

Keep in mind that you should never click "yes" to these types of pop-ups if you are on a site that you don't trust. Please email us if you have any concerns or questions. Thanks!

I keep getting a pop-up ad for MACROMEDIA

Actually, that is not really an ad... We use a new program called "macromedia flash." If you have a newer system, you will not notice this. However, some people with older computers will see a grey pop-up screen with the word "Macromedia" on it.

This is normal, it is just trying to update your Internet Browser (it is not an ad). This will only pop up once and dissappear forever after you click "yes"

Keep in mind that you should never click "yes" to these types of pop-ups if you are on a site that you don't trust. Please email us if you have any concerns or questions. Thanks!

Long Island Equine
Largest source for equine properties in Long Island, New York
  (631) 979-2965



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